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Penguin 2.0: Google Strikes Back

With Google’s recent Penguin 2.0 algorithm update now starting to take effect on global search results, how will your online presence be affected?

Let’s take a look at some of the most frequently asked questions about this significant update…

What is the ‘Penguin 2.0’ algorithm?

Google’s web search engine is powered by one of the most advanced search algorithms ever developed: this system has been continuously refined over the years in order to produce ever more relevant, user-focussed search results.

‘Penguin 2.0’ is the official code-name for Google’s latest update to their search algorithm: this expands upon the previous ‘Panda’ and ‘Penguin’ updates, which have each generated controversy and impacted a significant percentage of search results.

Although 2.0 is actually the fourth ‘Penguin’ variant, the update is such an extensive overhaul that Google engineers have dubbed it ‘2.0’.

This new algorithm is expected to have a noticeable impact on around 2.3% of US-English based queries, whist results for searches performed in other languages will vary, based upon how much ‘spam’ is on the web in each language.

What is the purpose of Google’s algorithm updates?

In order to ensure that the quality, consistency and relevance of its results are maintained and improved upon, Google frequently updates the way in which its web search results algorithm works.

‘Panda’ was launched to lower the rankings of websites which the algorithm determined were of ‘low-quality’, whilst raising the profile of ‘high-quality’ sites: it operated using an artificial intelligence system, which had been developed to ‘learn’ from data gathered by human quality testers.

Along with seeking to make it easier for its users to find useful, relevant content, Google also added user experience to the list of factors it analyses when assessing websites:

The ‘Page Layout’ or ‘Top Heavy’ algorithm update was put into effect shortly after the release of ‘Panda’: this adds value to websites which make it easy for users to access and navigate their way around site content, essentially, factoring-in just how much relevant material sits ‘above the fold’ on website layouts.

‘Penguin 2.0’ builds upon previous advances in Google’s algorithm technology, to more effectively lower the search engine rankings of any websites which go against the company’s ‘webmaster guidelines’: essentially, the penguin algorithm targets sites which appear to be using ‘black-hat’ SEO practices or spam-laden techniques to artificially manipulate their rankings, hitting them with penalties, whilst rewarding websites which offer genuine, relevant and valuable content with higher rankings.

What can I do to avoid my website falling foul of ‘Penguin 2.0’?

The best way to ensure that your website is fully optimised is to ensure that it adheres strictly to the code of conduct which has been set out by Google in their webmaster guidelines.

By adopting the best practices recommended by Google and keeping abreast of developments in their web search engine algorithm, it is possible to avoid penalties;

It is also vitally important to keep a track of your website analytics to ensure that any negative impact on your site can be looked into and swiftly resolved.

About Graham Lyons

Graham is the SEO and Social Media Marketing Manager at Cozy Digital and the editor of the Cozy Digital Blog as well as contributing content for most of our social outlets like Facebook, Twitter and G+. Graham has been working in, and writing for the SEO / SMM industry since 2001 and is still as dedicated and passionate today as he was when he opened his first Website Design, Ecommerce and SEO company in 2004. You can connect with Graham and Cozy Digital via the social media links below:

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