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Google Funnels AdWords

As any Pay-Per-Click advertiser and account manager knows, it can be difficult deciding quite how effective different sections of your advertising campaign are performing. AdWords currently attributes the final conversion to the ad clicked just beforehand, this can mask a more complicated picture of how the user actually ended up deciding to make the purchase.

Google LogoIt seems the Mountain-View-advertising-supremos noticed this same issue and have recently updated AdWords with a new tool to further analyse how conversions are completed. The new AdWords Search Funnels (currently in beta) allow the advertiser to see the “ad click and impression behaviour” on Google that ends in a conversion. Search Funnels will show reports such as Path Length, Time Lag, Assisted Conversions, etc.

How will AdWords Search Funnels work in practice?

The example used on the Inside AdWords blog is of a holiday firm selling flights to Hawaii – If a user was to initially search for “hawaii vacation” and then clicked on the firms ad, as you would expect, a click would be registered. A couple of days later the same user then searches for “flights to hawaii”, an ad from the firm is displayed but the user doesn’t click on it – so an impression is stored. A few more days pass – the user now finally searches for “flyaway hawaii”, an ad is clicked on, and a purchase is made. Traditionally AdWords would have attributed this conversion only to the final “flyaway hawaii” keyphrase. With the new Search Funnel will also show an ‘assist click’ for the “hawaii vacation” keyword and an ‘assist impression’ for the “flights to hawaii” keyphrase.

This new feature looks like a great addition to Google’s already comprehensive advertising system. The ability for advertisers to see how the user behaved before they decided to make the final purchase can provide invaluable information for tuning ad campaigns.

..More information can be found on the Google Inside AdWords Blog.

Google have also provided a video explaining how the new Search Funnels will work:

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