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Google Analytics Wanted by the Fed’s

No, Google hasn’t become a fugitive of the law; they’re Analytics platform has been inducted into the apps.gov website by the US Federal General Services Administration (GSA) having only recently been approved. The GSA website provides the platform for government agencies and services to gain access to a variety of approved cloud computing applications.

The site is all part of a major push for government services to adopt modern and innovative cloud based computing applications in order to provide them with the means to stay at the forefront of technology in a variety of areas. The site provides government agencies with the relevant business applications, cloud computing services, productivity and social media applications that they may need. These range from free social media application such as WordPress to million dollar data analysis services.

Fortunately Google Analytics falls into the free category and recently Google and the GSA have been working together to ensure that Analytics is secure enough as well as being compatible with requirements of some of the United States Federal Agencies. This is no small potatoes when you consider that these agencies include the Department of Homeland security and NASA.

This induction says a lot for the website monitoring tool, not least its commitment to the security of user data. Phil Mui Sr, the Product Manager at Google Analytics wrote “As an enterprise-class web analytics solution, Google Analytics not only provides site owners with information on their website traffic and marketing effectiveness, it also does so with high regard for protecting user data privacy.”

So it appears that Analytics users can continue to use the service safe in the knowledge that their web data is as secure as that of various US Federal Agencies.

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