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Photographers Go Snap Happy for Google Lawsuit

Last month we published an article on our blog detailing how Google had gotten themselves into a pretty sticky situation over the online publishing of content of an array of books and other literature. Needless to say, many of the authors were none too pleased about how Google had gone about the whole affair as well as the frankly insulting compensation that was offered. Well now it looks like photographers are in on the act as they take up their own suit against the search engine giant.

Google LogoThis isn’t a new revelation however, as this was initially considered in conjunction with the filing of the authors lawsuit. The issue was over the images used in these very books so it made sense. At the time though this action was dismissed from the author/publisher settlement as the judge Denny Chin overseeing the case suggested that to include these groups would “put the whole settlement at risk” and could “delay this lawsuit”.

It was on the judge’s recommendation that a separate lawsuit was filed. This paper was put together to support plaintiffs from the Graphic Artists Guild, the Picture Archive Council of America, the North American Nature Photography Association and the Professional Photographers of America. Speaking to the Financial Times the attorney leading the case James McGuire stated:

“Google is scanning in books and publications with visual images, which impedes the rights of copyright holders of those images.”

Irrelevant of the fact that these two court cases are running separately, they will no doubt run parallel. If the outcome of the first case falls in favour of the authors then there will no doubt be a similar knock on effect to the other case which could spell bad news for Google.

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