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Archive for the ‘Featured’ Category

Are template websites bad for your business?

Are template websites bad for your business featured image

These days it is very easy to source a ready-made, off-the-shelf website template for (as many of their creators are proud to proclaim) ‘The price of a cup of coffee’.

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Three e-commerce trends to watch out for in 2015

3 ecom trends featured image

These days, if you don’t have a responsive website layout, you could be losing out on business: Big Time…

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The problem of designing with a print first, digital second mind-set

the problem with print first digital second

Many designers today encounter the issue of trying to incorporate a client’s existing logo, colour-scheme and typography guidelines into a usable, functional responsive website – whilst in some cases the process is painless, in others, a lot of problem-solving is required.

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Adapt to survive: Bringing brands into the digital age

adapt to survive: bringing brands to the digital age

Modern graphic designers live in a time when many clients come to them with existing branding that needs to be incorporated into new mediums, for example, to be used in a new website or app.

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How to make social media work for you

how to make social media work featured image

Despite the fact that Facebook has only been around since 2004, if it were a country, it’d have the 3nd largest population in the world (after China and India), with its 1 Billion + users. 

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Is digital first a sensible approach for graphic designers to adopt?

digital first featured image

In this brave new world of digital businesses – and firms that are transitioning to make a bigger impact online, today’s designers need to understand the need for powerful branding that works effectively across a broad array of digital and physical media.

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Cyber Monday: What is all the hype about?

cyber monday strikes featured image

In the UK and across the world, online retailers have one incredibly important date circled in their calendars: Cyber Monday…

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Support Kids for Life and Make a Difference


We live in an age where life-threatening cancers and illnesses continue to make a significant impact upon a huge number of babies, children, young adults and their families across the UK on a daily basis: In fact, it is estimated that one in every 500 young people will develop cancer.

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Twitter Cards: What You Need To Know


Twitter has come a long way since it was first launched, all those years ago, in 2006.  Today, it is one of the most visited websites in the world and a social media force to be reckoned with, having a user-base of around half a billion people (with approximately 284 million of these users being considered ‘active’).

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Connect with Cozy Digital on Tsu


It’s not every day that a new social network comes out which catches our attention: After all, with the likes of Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and other big names all carving their own niche, where is the room for another one?

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