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Good Looking Google to Launch Chrome OS in Autumn

Chrome OS

Brian quite punctiliously blogged the other day about the news that Google is phasing out the use of Microsoft Windows in all its offices, partly due to security issues in China (now causing a boom on google.com.hk) and partly because they are major competitors. Also, he mentioned the fact that Chrome OS is around the corner, and it seems the wait is almost over.

Google’s Vice President Sundar Pichai , who is leading the Chrome OS project, announced at the Computex Cloud Computing Forum in Taipei that their open source operating system ‘Chrome OS’ will be launched in the Autumn. Initially he says it will be designed to work on netbooks as they want to be “selective on how we come to market because we want to deliver a great user experience. We're thinking on both the hardware and software levels.”

This sounds like a slightly tentative launch, compared to Eric Schmidt’s talk of an aggressive adoption, but this may just be due diligence or a reaction to the tablet boom, just to see how that pans out, and also because of the uncertainty surrounding other technologies working alongside it. However, Sundar explains:

“Chrome OS is one of the few future operating systems for which there are already millions of applications that work. You don't need to redesign Gmail for it to work on Chrome. Facebook does not need to write a new app for Chrome.”

Microsoft may have tried to down play Google’s vision of the future but then of course they would do that. We will no doubt keep a close eye on Chrome OS developments and look forward to having a go when it is finally launched.

Google Homepage

In other news, Google is giving users (just in the US at the moment) the opportunity to change their iconic white homepage. While it regularly changes the design of its logo to mark current events, and also its recent minor tweaks to the basic main design, but not since ‘Google Black’ was available (created to grow awareness about saving energy), has it had anything other than a stark white background. Now users can choose a photo or image to be their background. While this is just like Bing’s homepage, Bing chooses the image, while with Google, you will be able to choose from a selection or select an image from your computer.

What picture would you choose?

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  • love the browser so lets hope this is a winner as well

    Total Comments by Techwatch: 7

  • I do wonder to what extent they will incorporate off-line application use as well. Even though net connections are effectively ubiquitous, for mobile devices its not always convenient.
    Maybe most mobile Chrome OS devices will be designed to work on 3G as well?

    Just a thought :)

    Total Comments by Robert: 12

  • This is going to be crazy! In a world that primarily supports a one-or-the-other bipartisan system, it’s like there might be a legitimate contender to step in and sway some votes. If only American politics could be like this… but who would be our Google Chrome?

    Total Comment by Logesh: 1

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