0131 560 1790 0131 560 1790

Welcome to Google! Population: 122377

I’m sure most of us will have heard of Topeka, Kansas. Well not any more. That is to say temporarily at least, since as of today the city is to be known as ‘Google’. In a move by the cities major and accepted by the cities council members the change was approved today.

Google LogoHowever, this isn't a real life case of the Crazies but a strategic move to entice Google (the company not the town). With Google looking for a city in which to build its first super-fast experimental broadband network many cities including Topeka, Grand Rapids and Mich are vying for the position. The plans for this broadband were announced last month by Google and have been touted to provide broadband speeds up to 100 times faster than what most Americans are currently receiving.

As a result the competition is fierce among cities to gain the opportunity and the mayor of Topeka, Bill Bunten, thinks this name change could set the city apart from others. It not like name changing is a new thing for Topeka as in 1998 they briefly changed their name to ‘ToPikachu’. Of course the move to change their name is only temporary, but imagine if some other cities adopted the same idea.

Look out for the new city of FirefOxford.

Got a better one than that? Prove it.

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