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Google Focuses On Mobile Success

As we have discussed before, the way people are accessing the internet is changing, its less and less about the traditional home machine. Don’t just take our word for it though, some senior people in Google have already signalled that the desktop machines best days may be behind it.

Google LogoWe have also mentioned before that the Google Inside AdWords blog is running a series of posts entitled Go Mobile! focusing on the growing opportunity that advertising to people using mobile devices can provide for businesses.

A recent post in the Go Mobile! series has highlighted a useful resource for both people new to the idea of mobile advertising and seasoned advertisers alike. The Google Mobile Ads Success Stories page has details of how companies are using mobile advertising to help their businesses.

Not only can you see the type of companies that have realised that mobile advertising would benefit them, but some of the stories actually go into some of the theories that the companies used to optimise these campaigns, lots for everyone to learn!

Are you considering advertising on mobile devices? Perhaps you do already, if so, how has your experience been?  Let us know!

..More information can be found on the Google Inside Adwords Blog and on the Google Mobile Ads Success Stories page.

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