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Better Google Reader on the Go

It’s onwards and upwards as ever for Google and today they’ve brought you a selection of new features to Google Reader. However these features are for the mobile user and are aimed at making it closer to the desktop version but with the added simplicity best suited for mobile browsing.

Over the past few days some might have noticed that there have been a few additions to the mobile version.

Google LogoMore features from the desktop version will now be gracing the mobile service including ‘magic ranking' and 'search', found within the drop-down menu. While search is pretty self explanatory the magic ranking service will order news stories for you based on your personal preferences and usage patterns. Basically it’s Magic!

Another addition is the ‘collapse’ and ‘next item’ links at the top of each story allowing you to more efficiently move between stories. Finally, they’ve tried to create better consistency with the desktop version by linking titles of items to the original page.

With these additions in place it seems the key aim is to make the mobile version for efficient and cohesive with the fuller desktop service. It’s definitely a welcome addition and will no doubt be followed by countless more. Stay tuned.

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