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Think Before You Post

Apparently today is ‘Safer Internet Day’ in the European Union. That’s all well and good, but what exactly is safer internet day? Well supposedly it’s all about promoting safe and responsible use of the internet and mobile technologies for children and young people. Most adults are aware of what the internet has to offer but also know of potential its darker sides. Frankly there’s stuff out there which isn’t suitable for anyone, and it makes sense that people want to protect their children.

As a result various internet based firms and groups set out to promote good use of the internet and ask users to take a bit more care when browsing the internet or posting content of their own. Childnet International, a member of Facebook’s Safety Advisory Board are playing their part in promoting this year’s theme for Safer Internet Day. The theme is the importance of thinking before you post. While there’s a great deal of unsuitable content on sites out there, one of the main issues is to do with the use of social media sites and the results of what people are putting live.

Social media has become a major part of how many interact with the internet and it opens up a lot of dangers to younger more naive users. The organisers of Safer Internet Day ask that we consider a few things when using these sites. Are we using privacy settings? Are we selecting friends online whom we can trust? And are we thinking about what effect the information and photos we post could have on others and do you have permission to post them?

A little forethought can make a major difference as these sites are not without their dangers as you’re not always sure who’s who in an online world. If you take the time to also consider how your post could affect someone else then you might realise it’s not really worth posting.

In addition Microsoft has provided a variant of Internet Explorer 8 for use by younger internet users. The child-friendly browser allows young users to more easily report cyber bullying and inappropriate content to the authorities making for a safer internet experience.

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