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How Web Optimisation Provided a Massive Rise in traffic for Charity Site

Recently web optimisation took on a charitable face when Marie Curie Cancer Care made some alterations to their site to create some advanced optimisation. This was applied with such technical prowess that the charities website saw a resulting increase of 14% in donations within only a few weeks.

There was a vast set of alterations and search engine optimisation undertaken that resulted in a great increase of traffic and the donations as a result. The undertaking was assisted by ‘website optimiser’ which clearly was a useful and effective addition. Website optimiser is a free testing platform and optimisation tool. It allows the user to test various versions of a site and monitor variations of traffic so that a site can be more effectively optimised for best results.

Through this the Marie Curie was able to fine tune their site to leave out unnecessary information on some pages, while improving the relevance of other pages content. Furthermore they redesigned their donation page to make it easier to use and all round more effective. Through this combination of optimisation and improved layout the Marie Curie sight has clearly benefitted showing the clear merit of SEO and constructive web design.

Marie Curie in not the first site and probably won’t be the last that has benefitted from Website Optimiser. There are a variety of other sites that have implemented the application to great effect. It’s good to know that there are genuine success stories out there about those who truly deserve it. The full study for this story is available here.

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